Tuesday, November 4, 2014

People Hate Obama's Policies Because They Hate Obama

In this editorial from The Washington Times published on October 31, 2014, the author (kept anonymous in the article) criticizes Obama’s policies because they believe the policies are not working. Their purpose in writing this piece is to persuade voters not to vote for these policies. The author is somewhat credible, giving several statistics and facts but only one credited source. In addition, they make the audience feel resentful towards Obama’s policies by mentioned that the poorest 20 percent have seen their incomes fall under Obama’s policies and that many of the young people that voted for Obama have had to move back in with their parents. Personally, I have mixed feelings on this issue. I do not approve of any policy that does not do what it is supposed to. However, since this is obviously from the perspective of someone against Obama and his policies, it would not mention the good that has come from Obama’s policies. Improvements were mentioned; however, the author makes it clear they are not true improvements. For example, the author says low unemployment rates are lower because people have stopped searching for jobs. So, while the unemployment rates lowered because of Obama’s policies, they did not actually improve anything. Instead, the author tells us that these policies have sucked the hope out of the unemployed, making they feel as if it was impossible to get a job. So, while I agree with the author that some of Obama’s policies are bad, I can not agree all of his policies are bad. I think we need to pick and choose. We should keep what works and scrap what does not.

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